ch-aviation contacts

As a ch-aviation contacts user you benefit from the following premium features:

  • Find the right contacts to get in touch with airlines on the Airline Profile Contacts tab giving you instant access to over 8.000 executive level contacts with names, job titles, e-mail addresses and LinkedIn profile IDs.

Airline Contacts 

  • Access executive level contacts on the airline profile's Contacts tab with names, job titles, e-mail addreses and LinkedIn profile IDs:

News "Who's on the move" 

  • Exclusive access to News category "Who's on the move": updates on new appointments, resignations and job changes in airlines management:


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Review details about ch-aviation PRO - news

Review details about ch-aviation PRO - airlines

Review details about ch-aviation PRO - airports

Review details about the additional ch-aviation PRO - fleets module

Review details about the additional ch-aviation PRO - ownership module

Review details about the additional ch-aviation PRO - routes module

Review details about the additional ch-aviation PRO - schedules module

Review details about the additional ch-aviation PRO - capacity module

Review details about the additional ch-aviation PRO - pss module