Air India (AI, Delhi International) has asked the Indian Air Force (IFC, Delhi International) to explain why it chose to allow Lufthansa (LH, Frankfurt International) inbound-flights to Pune to use arrival/departure slots reserved for IAF fighter jets. The Indian Express says Air India has taken the Air Force to task over its perceived bias towards Lufthansa given that its own request for a waiver had been met with silence. "We have written to the IAF asking it to accommodate our flights too. We are hoping for a clearance," said Dhairyasheel Vandekar, station manager, Air India. In a statement, IAF officials said the Lufthansa's exception had been made bearing in mind the fact that "it's a European carrier operating within different time zones". Wing Commander R R Lall, spokesperson of IAF's 2 Wing, said: "The schedules have been agreed upon by airlines and approved by the Air Headquarters at the highest level."